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About Bible Passages

The ministry concept of Bible Passages gradually evolved over the course of our 30-year ministry, a ministry that has taken us from the college campus, the mission field, to schools of preaching, and into the pulpit at Dripping Springs, where we had worked for 17 years. What began as a dream many years ago is now a reality, and this ministry continues to reach countless souls. 


1.2 Million DVDs Distributed

Reaching Souls

50k views 18k Downloads

149k Books in 6 Languages

John is an Author and Writer for the popular Searching for Truth series. As technology continues to change, so must our delivery method and presentation of the unchangeable truth of the gospel. Using the latest in filming equipment and editing equipment, we plan to redesign, film, and reproduce Searching for Truth. We plan to incorporate better charts, graphics, and B-Roll footage. 

Training Preachers

Instructor - John
Dean of Women - Carla

 Like never before the church needs workers for the vineyard and for preachers to fill the pulpit. There are an estimated 12,000 churches of Christ throughout the world with an estimated membership of 2,000,000. We therefore desperately need to support Bible schools whose primary objective is to train men for a lifetime of work in ministry, and who are likewise preparing men women to be teachers and missionaries. 

Bible Geography
Church History

Israel tours and onsite instruction

Gospel Meetings
Marriage Seminars

Guided Tours of Bible Lands

Writing Articles and Books

Strengthening the Church

The key to growth is to engage more people in the work of ministry. This is done by doing four things: (1) Investing deeply in the lives of people through discipling and mentoring; (2) developing leaders; (3) feeding members with the word of God; and (4) equipping them with the tools they need for Bible study and for personal growth and development. 

Producing Bible Content

41.9 M YouTube Views 

We are also dedicated to examining and showcasing the lands of the Bible and its environs which can provide a window into the ancient past. By sifting through the archaeological data, traveling down the pathways of the Bible lands, and traversing through the passages of its ancient cities, trade routes, and caves we come to not only better understand and appreciate the challenges of life faced by our religious forbearers, but we also come to see how God used the historical and geographic setting of the Bible lands to refine and develop their faith. 


The Temple Project

Bible Land Passages

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