We need your help!
Bible Passages operates exclusively through the donations of churches and individuals. It is only through your generosity that we can continue to produce Bible content to help you develop and strengthen your faith. Please consider making a commitment to be a part of our mission.
2024 Budget Progress
Giving FAQs
Are tour payments a source of funding for Bible Passages?
Bible Passages' annual budget is not funded by payments received for tours. Tour revenue is used to provide the service of the tour. We attempt to provide the tours at the lowest possible price point to allow for the most accessibility.
Is my donation tax deductable?
Yes! Bible Passages is a registered 501(c)(3). Any donation you make is tax deductable. Please contact us if you have more questions about tax-deductable donations.
What does Bible Passages use donations for?
100% of your donation is used to further our mission to guide people to Jesus to help them develop and sustain their faith. Donations are used to produce videos, podcasts, articles, and other Bible focused content.